Ilan and Marcel, Rich Zipperer, Ted Kanavas, Jim Doyle, Mike Maistelman, Jim Payne, Darryl Enriquez, Sheriff Clarke, Larry Nelson, Jonah Goldberg, Tom Barrett, Chris Lufter, Brian Fraley, Owen Robinson, Owen Robinson’s arrested commenter, Mary Lazich and Kevin Fischer, Charlie Sykes, Jeff Wagner, Jessica McBride, Ann Althouse, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Kramer, Mike Huebsch, Tim Gunn, Dan Vrakas, Dan Trawicki, George Bush, Mark Belling, Joel McNally, Mark Graul, Mark Block, Steve Kagen, Bruce Murphy, Annette Ziegler, Glenn Reynolds, ViAnna Jordan, Fred Dooley, Tim Rock, Mike & Anne Quimby Mathias, Matt Thomas, Fidel Castro, Pat McIlheran, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Pete Kennedy, Kevin Kennedy, Bryan Kennedy, his campaign treasurer Ruth Page Jones, Ted Kennedy (Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment), Tommy Thompson, Seth Zlotocha, Michael Corleone, John McCain, Mitt Romney, THE Ohio State, Paul Bucher, Thank God for George Petak, Ferdinand T. Cat, Sue Armacost, Will & Moira Wigderson, Carl Spackler, The Spring City Chronicle, The Waukesha Freeman, Bill Yorth, Dad29, Nan Hegerty, Michael McGee Jr & Sr, Aaron of Subject to Change, Dale Schultz, The New Berlin School Board, The Waukesha School Board, The Milwaukee School Board, Dawn Marie Sass and her babysitter John Lease, the always informative Jo Egelhoff, Dave Berkmann, Kathleen Dunn, the Crazy Shepherd, Michael Horne, Badger Blogger, McDonalds, Leon Todd, Alan Eisenberg, Eric Von, Linda Clifford the Big Red Dog, Milwaukee Courthouse Cockroaches, Anna Nicole Smith, Dave Diamond, Rick Esenberg, Mel Brooks, Britney Spears, Freddie Mercury, Jeff Lynne, McDonalds, Matt Sande, Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore, Spivak & Bice, Big Oil, Roger Staubach, Scott Fitzgerald, stem cells, Jim Rowen, the indispensible Tom McMahon, Paul Soglin, Russ Feingold Herb Kohl, Wade Phillips, Golden Gate Restaurant, Jerry Jones, Terrell Owens, Tony Romo, Jessica Simpson, Carrie Underwood, Sean Hackbarth, JB Van Hollen, Christian Schneider, Al Gore, David Schmidt, David Fabie, The Waukesha Taxpayers League, Harry Potter, Tim Schilke, Brett Favre, Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man of the Apocalypse, Bob Dylan, Jim Sensenbrenner, Bud Selig, Matt Weiss, Barry Bonds, Mark Gundrum, the Menomonee Falls Police Department (The “M-F’ers”), David at Carrick Bend, Jay Bullock commenting from the center square, Newt Gingrich, Capper, Ann Coulter, my friend StB, Al Kropp, Nick Schweitzer, Ron Paul, Eugene Kane, Jiblog, Steve Eggleston, Jeff Mayers, Tim Cuprisin, The Wisconsin Lottery, Leah Vukmir, Neal Kedzie, Evan Zeppos, Brent & Lorri Pickens, Mongo, The Menomonee Indian Tribe, the Potowatami tribe, Miller Brewing, Venus Ramey, Rio Rancho, Christopher Hitchens, Robert Heinlein, The Sopranos, Michael Leon, Dr. Frederick Frankenstein, Bill Christofferson, the clucking chicken, the politically incorrect but temporarily homeless Cleveland Indians, Georgia Thompson, Scott Jensen, Dan Deibert, Walt Kelly, green postcards, Ed Garvey, Hillary Clinton, Al in Dubuque, Dick Cheney, Dennis Miller, Jimmy Carter, Ziggy and his Mom, Jerrel Jones, Bob Malloy, Wisconsin Club for Growth, Charles Betker, Rodell Singert, John McAdams, Josh Carter, Dave Obey, Sondy Pope-Roberts and her secret plan, Jay Weber, Cindy Sheehan, Mickey Kaus, coffee-picking peasants, James Harris (who doesn't link to me), Whitney Gould, Pete Rose, John Gard, Michelle Malkin, Mike McCabe, Wisconsin Right to Life, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Paris Hilton, Scooter Libby, Charles Foster Kane, Scott Walker, Larry Craig, John Derbyshire, William F. Buckley jr., Bullwinkle, Global Warming, Slim Pickens, Emmanuel Vitale, Judge Smails, Lee Dreyfus, Jerry Seinfeld, William Shakespeare, Oprah, Kevin Binversie, Troy Fullerton, Vicki McKenna, Pete Fanning, Bill O’Reilly, Van Morrison, Scott Feldstein, Danny Noonan, Flash Gordon, Ayn Rand, Jeff at Five Points, Milwaukee Magazine, Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Dean at Musings of a Thoughtful Conservative, Ty Webb, Bill and Molly Wigderson, Nosferatu, Washington Irving, Bill Gates, Dr. Moriarty, Nancy Pelosi, Judy Robson, Russ Decker, David Chase, Scott Newcomer, Drew Carey, Erik & Pauline Wigderson, Nan & Mike Gillespie, Carrie Fisher, John Jazwiec, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Wilson, Sancho, Chris Boniol, Jeni Reisinger, Lori Van Atta, R.J. Johnson, Scott Jensen, Obi Wan Kenobi, Fox Head, Ray Barrington, Dennis Kucinich, Larry King, Juan Perez, Dawn Marie Sass, Ed Garvey, Kelin Olsen, Larry the Cable Guy, John Edwards and John Edward, Barry Orton, Carrie Nation, Jenna Bush, Dutton Peabody, Kurt O’Bryan, the Dalai Lama, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Katie Holmes, Xenu, Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergmann.
…And way too many other names to mention. If I left you off the list and you wanted to be on it, the house you want to egg is in West Bend under the name “Owen Robinson”. If you’re on the list and you didn’t want to be on it, well, you probably will be next year, too. The house you’ll want to egg is in West Bend…
Of course, the one name missing is the lovely Doreen from Waukesha, whose patience and understanding should earn her a nomination for Sainthood, and not just because she has to put up with my blogging.
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