I was afraid I was going to have to change the formula, but 28 predictions came so easily to me that this year I’m offering a Leap Year prediction. As usual, take these with a grain of salt. I set my expectation for accuracy at the same level as your typical Sunday morning football prognosticator.
1. Despite high turnover on the Waukesha County Board, Jim Dwyer will remain as County Board Chairman. Meetings will still continue to be held during the day preventing many qualified people from running and serving.
2. The Waukesha School District will win its arbitration case with the teacher’s union. The teachers will retaliate by behaving unprofessionally even though the district didn’t get very much.
3. At least one local radio personality will be suspended for something said on air.
4. State Representative Bill Kramer will only face token opposition from the Democrats.
5. There will not be a school referendum in 2008 in Waukesha.
6. Jonah Goldberg’s book will be judged more by its cover than by its content.
7. Mayor Larry Nelson will wear a suit, tie and even real shoes to a city function.
8. Alderman and County Supervisor Kathleen Cummings will be caught talking to herself oddly.
9. I will lose weight, stop snoring, and figure out my sinus problems. (Cross-reference my New Year’s resolutions)
10. The Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl.
11. Rumors will start about Waukesha County Executive Dan Vrakas running for governor in 2010 (even if I have to start them).
12. The Milwaukee Brewers will finish 88-74. (88+74=162, okay I didn’t screw that up this year.)
13. Bud Selig will not finish 2008 as Baseball Commissioner.
14. Some politician will go to jail in Madison but it won’t be Governor Doyle or former Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen.
15. Paul Soglin will be arrested for counterfeiting tickets to enter downtown Madison on Halloween. He’ll be sentenced to community service – snowplowing Madison’s bike trails.
16. The Republican nominee for President will be… Mitt Romney
17. The Democratic nominee for President will be… Barack Obama
18. Joe Liebermann will run for Vice President. And I’m leaving it at that.
19. Britney Spears will be pregnant.
20. Assembly Democrats will win the state assembly and State Senate Democrats will retain control.
21. There will be a human rights protest or incident at the Beijing Olympics that will be ignored by the media until the blogs and talk radio forces them to cover it – too late.
22. Jim Doyle will propose his own version of Healthy Wisconsin
23. Jim Doyle will propose shifting school funding to the sales tax. He’ll call it "property tax relief."
24. State Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler will win re-election.
25. Local activist Steve Edlund will be caught skinny-dipping in the Waukesha South High School Pool.
26. Ed Thompson will be elected mayor of Tomah.
27. The United States will have forces inside Pakistan by the end of the year
28. Ann Coulter will be fined by the FCC for uttering an obscenity on the air. She will blame her critics.
Leap Year Bonus:
29. JB Van Hollen will not find any terrorist training camps in Wisconsin.
There you have it. Another year of helpful predictions to help you win wagers with your friends. I'm looking forward to another year of fun-filled and informative blogging - unless I win the Wisconsin lottery.
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