Saturday, September 09, 2006

Another one of those crazy rabble-rousers

Waukesha Freeman 9/8/06
To the editor:

I wanted to write and express why I am supporting Chris Lufter for the Assembly seat in the 97th District. Chris is the only candidate in this primary that has a proven record for fighting taxes.

Chris has saved the taxpayers more than $50 million in her volunteer efforts as the president of the Waukesha Taxpayers League and during her time as a member of the Waukesha School Board. Chris also led the fight to decrease the number of members of the county board this last year.

As a county supervisor, her opponent has voted in the last two county budgets to increase the taxes in our county more than $6 million. He also looked to Chris as to how he should vote when the decrease on the board came up for a vote.

In addition, I respect the fact that Chris Lufter is a wife and a mother of seven children. As a stay-at-home mother of two myself, I commend her spirit and passion to fight on behalf of Waukesha and our district. Please join me in voting for Chris Lufter on Sept. 12.

Doreen Wigderson