Friday, May 12, 2006

Breaking news in the Spring City

Mike at the Spring City Chronicle asked the question first. Is Waukesha's newest alderman the same Glenn Savoie that once solicited a minor for prostitution? The Waukesha Freeman confirms that it is, and Savoie's new colleagues aren't happy.

Twelve years ago was a long time ago, but the article makes clear that Savoie knew the information would come out. He should've told the Common Council when he submitted his application. After all, they had the right to consider his prostitution busts before they voted on him. Whether or not they chose to use it as a factor in their decision was up to them and their constituents, not to Savoie.

While I don't know if Savoie's soliciting prostitutes twelve years ago constitutes suitable grounds for his resignation, his refusal to make such information public prior to his consideration by the common council would strongly suggest he is not trustworthy enough to hold public office. He should resign promptly.

As for the City of Waukesha Common Council, they may want to take a look at how they screen candidates to fill vacancies a little better.

Update! Savoie told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel he will not resign. Mike at Spring City Chronicle gets more props for his research:
Word of Savoie's past spread around Waukesha City Hall on Thursday after a local blogger publishing the Spring City Chronicle ( online noted that a man by the same name as the new alderman had once been charged with soliciting a child for prostitution. The blogger, identifying himself only as "Mike," wrote: "I do not know for certain whether this person is the same person selected as alderman, nor do I know whether this person was actually convicted of the crime with which he was charged."
Jeff Wagner of WTMJ-AM 620 is talking about the issue right now.