I think I may have made a major mistake. I've agreed to appear on Eric Von's Show on WMCS 1290 AM tomorrow from 5pm-6pm to defend my blog post, "I will not stop until I get to Waukesha".
I think I may have hit a nerve. I managed to catch the last hour of Eric Von's show tonight and got to listen to Von call me ignorant, UWM Professor and Crazy Shepherd writer Dave Berkman call me a racist, somebody else that I didn't recognize wanting to know my position on the War in Iraq, Berkman calling me a racist, Berkman calling my blog racist, calling me a racist gun nut, and, oh yeah, calling me a calculating racist. Oops, I forgot I'm a school-choice-fanatic racist. You'd think a professor of mass communications who no doubt touches on the subjects of libel and slander in his classroom would be a little more careful in choosing his words. At least he called me an intellectual "broadly speaking".
Now, I can handle somebody committing slander. But on a moderated program I would expect the host to demand a little more decorum and a little less slander from his panelists especially when Von's invitation to appear on the program starts with, "I was introduced to your blog by Bill Christofferson who says that you are `usually pretty reasonable and has a good sense of humor.'"
But trooper that I am - barring any unforseen disaster like getting pulled out of my car by a bunch of cocaine-dealing street-gang members - I will appear as planned. My wife is already on the phone calling her relatives so I suspect Von's rating will be through the roof. I'd like to know there are a few others who will be listening rooting for me, too.
Then again, at least I know what I'm in for.
Update! It sounds like they might be taking calls. HELP!