Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I've never done this before, I'll never do it again

I got tagged for a meme. Since I take requests, I'll take a look at this thing. However, please don't ask me to do this again. We'll take a look at this because the news cycle is in a lull. If I ever do one of these again, Bill Christofferson can shoot me. Let's see....

What were you doing 10 years ago?
That was 1995/1996. Dating the wrong woman, attending baseball games.

What were you doing 1 year ago?
Wondering about my new boss and the giant hunk of chocolate he sent out with his name on it for Christmas, enjoying the new baby, and taking my wife to the doctor.

Five snacks you enjoy:
1.) Milk Duds
2.) Cheese and Crackers
3.) Mike N Ikes
4.) Ma Bensch creamed herring
5,) A side of beef

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1.) Can’t Get It Out Of My Head - ELO
2.) Evil Woman - ELO
3.) Telephone Line - ELO.
4.) Rockaria! - ELO
5.) End of the Line – Traveling Wilburys

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
1.) Move
2.) Tour Italy
3.) Eat at the Lake Park Bistro more often.
4.) Drink coffee at home
5.) Get a pedicure

Five bad habits
1.) Typing while talking on the phone
2.) Getting looped at Christmas parties
3.) Blogging
4.) Not getting enough sleep
5.) Picking my toes in Poughkeepsie

Five things you’ll never wear again
It’ll all come back in style.

Five favorite toys:
1.) My computer
2.) My handheld poker game
3.) My TV remote control
4.) My really big dictionary
5.) A full bottle of Stoli vodka