Monday, August 22, 2005

Roll out the barrells

I heard this on the radio, I read it on Lakeshore Laments. I still don't believe it. Former Wisconsin Governor and HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson is thinking of running for President in 2008.

Can you imagine a Thompson presidency? Orange barrels -EVERYWHERE. And in light of the Kelo decision, do you know how much asphalt he'll be able to lay down?

And watch out for Tommy the health nut. Tommy's acquired the nanny-state "it's good for you" disease. Lawsuits against fast food, cigarettes banned everywhere, mandatory jogging.

He might even ban cheese.

Besides, if you think the current President's a big spender, wait until you get a load of Tommy with a federal budget to play with. This has gotta be stopped now - before it's too late.