Friday, April 29, 2005

Who buys that many cookies?

There's a story in the Journal Sentinel today about people getting sued by the Girl Scouts to pay their cookie debts. Now, I spend at least some of the time here and in my personal life scoffing at the "obesity epidemic" but I just gotta ask, who buys $1,458.68 worth of cookies? That's a lot of thin mints and short bread cookies. Heck, we can't even finish the $50.00 worth we buy every year.

Are these people who happen to be smoking pot when they answer the door? "Man, have I got the munchies. Oh, look, a girl scout is selling cookies door to door."

Nearly $1500 worth of cookies. Even the Caramel Delights are how much, $5.00? Are these people sending cookies instead of fruitcake at Christmas time? "Oh look, Uncle Mike in Florida sent us oranges this year. Let's send him cookies. The peanut butter ones. He likes those."

I mean, I can't imagine anyone stiffing the girl scouts, but if you're buying so many cookies that the Girl Scouts have to sue to collect you have a much bigger problem than your finances. It's called your waistline.