Drury and Assistant Superintendent Bob Rammer sat in the meetings and were involved in the decision to purchase the eight 42-inch TVs, which cost about $57,000, including audio and installation in the high school cafeteria, [Principal Dennis] Bussen said.
"All three of us, in looking at the recommendation (from the audio-video company), concurred it was the best recommendation. . . . It would be the most appropriate for the space," Bussen said. "The last I knew, the company was going to come back with some costing."
Still outrageous, Bussen claims this was something the school district wanted for a long time.
Even more outrageous, nobody has to this point objected to South Milwaukee school superintendent David Ewald saying their new high school's cafeteria will be equipped with TV sets, costing $1,000 to $2,000 spent on four or five conventional TVs. How many more school districts have gotten away with this kind of fat in their budgets at the same time they're shaking down taxpayers for more money?