Monday, January 10, 2005

Randy Moss

Missing from the FOX commentary was the back and forth between Moss and the fans by the Vikings bench. I'm sure it was a polite exchange (sure), and Fox Sports managed to capture Moss' response of pointing to the scoreboard in answer to the fans. I thought that was pretty funny, actually, and the way a pro athelete should handle the taunting.

This is where I joke about a moon apparently not being made out of cheese, or something like that.

However, I'm sure the NFL will not find Moss' end zone performance funny and fine him a good sized amount. I would have been satisfied with the refs throwing a flag for 15 yards unsportsmanlike conduct. You know, like the one they should have thrown at Favre for punching an opponent in the chest after someone laid a late hit on Bubba Franks.

The world would be a better place if we didn't have to wait for "the League Office" to hand out a fine here and there. Until it costs players with their teammates we can expect more, not less, of these incidents to happen.

By contrast, the Schottenheimer incident of venturing out onto the field was handled quickly and appropriately. That referee deserves a commendation.

BTW, if Randy Moss played in the NBA, he'd be labeled "a class act."