Sunday, January 09, 2005

Lost opportunity

I was going to compose yet another denigrating post regarding the hapless-but-evil Washington Redskins but unfortunately Marty Schottenheimer reverted to form, got overly conservative, took the ball out of his quarterback's hands (why is Bernie Kosar laughing?) and played for a field goal instead of the touchdown and the win. I hate it when coaches do that. So instead of making fun of the Redskins for all their troubles since Marty was booted out of town I'm forced to ask the AP if they want to revote Ukrainian style on their Coach of the Year. It's bad enough when the coach personally spots them a touchdown in the first half by getting an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for running onto the field, but when you're given two chances to win the game by a self-destructing opponent and you swallow your whole playoff losing history into your windpipe...I...I...I just plain run out of metaphors.

Damn the Redskins anyway.