Saturday, January 29, 2005

I guess there's still a few staffers that didn't get the memo

Uh, excuse me Jim, do you think making fun of the stories your fellow Journal Sentinel staffers are digging up will win you any awards for teamwork?
Johann Hauser-Ulrich was the very first name on the list of more than 1,200 Milwaukee voters who may or may not be up to something sinister, like voting for Democrats.
Oh yeah, that's a belly laugh. Of course, before we read your silliness let's read the nice summary in Tom Kertscher's article:

• 7,000 more votes cast than people recorded as voting.

• 1,305 same-day voter registration cards that could not be processed by the city, including more than 500 where voters listed no address and dozens more where no name was written on the card.

• 2,800 verification cards sent to same-day registrants returned to the city as undeliverable.
Yep, those stats are really, really funny. No wonder Stingl can find such humor in the situation. Here's something just as funny: I hope a John Kerry campaign staffer decides to take out Stingl's tires.

No, that wasn't funny either. I guess nothing the Democrats did in this last election was very funny.