Friday, September 17, 2004

Election Results 3, the Democrats

Gwen Moore? Gwen Moore? I know I told one of my friends that she would win but are there really 48,757 voters (JS Online numbers) in Milwaukee County who believe she belongs in Congress? When she siezes control of the Speaker's Chair in Washington will the Department of Homeland Security ship her off to Guantanomo?

Dan Diliberti for County Treasurer? Apparently 38% of Democrats living in Milwaukee County are prime targets for e-mails from Nigeria trying to move South African Gold into the United States.

And any Republican who holds out any false hope these two can be beaten in the fall election needs to face reality. Despite a competitive Republican US Senate Primary to drive up turnout as well as a competitive Republican Congressional Primary in the 4th District, this is the make up of Milwaukee County:

Ballots Cast - Democratic
Ballots Cast - Republican

Party Preference - Democratic
Party Preference - Republican