"We want to reward writers, bloggers, and other ordinary citizens who spend their "free" time working to root out government waste or making our government more transparent," said Brett Healy, President of the MacIver Institute. "With the huge tax and spending increases coming at us from every level of government, now is the time for taxpayers to demand that our hard-earned money be spent wisely and efficiently. We need Public Investigators at every Town Hall, every County Courthouse, and especially the State Capitol to watch over our money."
Every month, the MacIver Institute for Public Policy will award $500.00 to the citizen or group who uncovers the biggest example of government waste - or perhaps the most inefficient use of Federal stimulus funds; the blogger who successfully forces our government to be more transparent; or the writer who best advocates for free market solutions to the challenges we face.
A past example of outstanding research by a citizen investigator is Patrick Dorwin, the Badger Blogger (www.badgerblogger.com) who identified over $27,000.00 of taxpayer funds spent by the Milwaukee Public Schools on IPods.
Public Investigators can nominate their own work or that of others. All nominations should be forwarded to maciver@maciverinstitute.com. Entries are due on the last day of each month. The deadline for the inaugural MacIver P.I. contest is Thursday, April 30th.