Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"The trooper detected an odor of intoxicants, Wood’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy, and Wood’s speech was slurred"

Wispolitics.com has the latest on Rep. Jeff Wood's arrest for possession of marijuana and drunk driving. According to the arrest report, Wood had two bags of marijuana totalling 4.9 grams and a four-inch pipe.
The arresting trooper reporting coming up on a car that was pulled over on Interstate 39/90/94 with its emergency lights flashing. The trooper said Wood, I-Bloomer, was urinating on the side of the road when he came upon him.

According to the report, Wood told the trooper he had pulled over to talk to his wife on his cell phone. The trooper detected an odor of intoxicants, Wood’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy, and Wood’s speech was slurred.

Witnesses had called police to report a car driving erratically on the interstate. One of the witnesses said the driver had driven into the median and struck a sign.

The trooper noted damage to Wood’s car, including a flat tire and damaged rim that suggested the car had been driven some distance after the tire went flat. Wood said he didn’t know how it happened and suggested it may have occurred while he was parking.

The report apparently does not indicate if Wood was trying to write his name in the snow.

Update! The crash report indicates the vehicle was towed due to the damage and that Wood's license plate was found at the site of the collision with the sign.