Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Frame Park stadium clears final hurdle

Waukesha's planning commission passed approval of the stadium on a 4-3 vote. This follows the written opinion of the city attorney that the proposed stadium will not violate Waukesha's zoning laws. Opposition leader Steve Edlund e-mailed me this evening to say he is suspending his efforts against the stadium.

There is no truth to the rumor the County is looking to take advantage of all the extra fences slicing up Frame Park and use the stadium to house prisoners in the off season. I'm still checking on the city.

All that remains is the naming rights to the stadium and the naming of the team. Bauer says he is going to have a contest to name the team.

For the stadium let me suggest "The Eyesore at Frame Park." For the team, let me suggest the TIFs.

Nice to know the team is going to follow through on its commitment to keep the ballpark a family venue.
Bauer is betting that cheap beer, stadium food and admission tickets will capture a fan base from throughout the region.

Well, okay maybe not. I'm looking forward to the bait shop, tobacco store, checks cashed and fireworks stand when they do the expansion.