August 11, 2008
Waukesha, WI. Today the Waukesha County Environmental Action League (WEAL) announced that it will join an increasing number of others in Waukesha in opposition to the proposed 1600 seat baseball stadium in Frame Park. WEAL a non-profit volunteer environmental advocacy organization works to protect Waukesha County's natural environment. The group's interim president, Allen Stasiewski, stated that "Frame Park is an environmental jewel in the middle of the city of Waukesha. It's recently been restored and we feel this commercial development's scale and scope will overwhelm the environmental attributes of the park."
WEAL feels that Frame Park belongs to all the people of Waukesha and a portion of it should not be turned over to a commercial operation like this. This stadium is not in keeping with the goals of what an urban park should be; open, accessible, peaceful, and green. In fact, WEAL feels this new stadium will make Frame Park harder to use, less accessible, noisier and less peaceful, with more concrete and steel, and less grass and trees. The existing baseball field in the Park adds to its charm, a larger stadium will not. Frame Park has a unique location on the Fox River and its gardens and open space are too valuable to risk. Parking problems, noise, litter, landscape changes, and increased drinking will all work to the detriment of the Park.
WEAL's position is that Frame Park should not be the site of this proposed stadium. Park and open space is important to people and this stadium would detract from this. Once the stadium is built it will never revert to open space parkland again. Baseball is an important part of Waukesha County's culture and other sites should be studied for this stadium. WEAL agrees with others that the Waukesha County Expo site would be a much better site for this stadium.
“A Stroll for Preservation” will take place in Frame Park Thurdsay evening at 7:00 PM. The general public is invited to come to Frame Park and show their desire to keep the park free from becoming a commercial development and preserve it for future generations.