Saturday, August 16, 2008

McBride puts Vrakas in the strike zone

Jessica McBride sums up what I think is the public sentiment on building a stadium at Frame Park: Northwoods baseball yes, at Frame Park no.
But it’s estimated that more than 1,500 people would attend each of the 34 games. That’s a lot of people in a pretty small park, even if it’s down from the completely unmanageable 4,000 in plans past. When the baseball team starts deterring other free community uses, like taking my kid to the playground, I start drawing the line. Good luck trying to park!

Furthermore, high school teams should have first dibs at the diamond. Moving their games to days to accommodate a commercial venture is not acceptable.

The best reason to oppose the move is that maybe we can have it both ways. We should invite the baseball team to come to Waukesha County but ask it to play somewhere other than Frame Park. The developer has already scouted out other county spots. The rhetoric should cool down on both sides.

We shouldn’t keep meeting this developer with only a refrain of “no, no, no.” He has a good idea. This is a big county with a lot of still-rural space. County Executive Dan Vrakas? You’re at bat. Let’s not lose the franchise, even as we acknowledge that the Frame Park idea is a non-starter.