Sunday, February 03, 2008

Battleground Minnesota

The Minneapolis Star Tribune leads with "Fight for Minnesota." Barack Obama gave a 54 minute speech here yesterday to over 20,000 people. "If you will stand with me, if you will caucus with me... you and I together, we will change this country and we will change the world."

Mitt Romney was also here yesterday speaking at a smaller event at an office complex.
"I want to keep our party in the house that Ronald Reagan built."

There goes the neighborhood:
Another article on the front page reminds readers the state is not only a battleground now, it's a battleground in November. I had to laugh at this one,
"Four years ago, there were more lawn signs around for President Bush than John Kerry, said Covnick. ``But the Democrats are moving in.''" Tell me about it. Sometimes they even become the mayor.