Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Well, that's three votes no

State Representatives Scott Newcomer and Bill Kramer already told the Waukesha Freeman on Saturday they would be voting against the proposed budget. We can add State Representative Rich Zipperer to the list. From a press release:
"Today I have a choice to stand up for families and taxpayers, make them a priority and work to move Wisconsin out of the top ten list of highest taxed states, or side with bureaucracy and exasperate our already too-high tax burden. The choice for me is simple- I will side with families and taxpayers every time. Anytime we raise taxes, spend on the government credit card, or expand bureaucracy, we cut real income from household budgets throughout Wisconsin.

The bottom line is simple; this budget fails to make our state more competitive or to do what is needed to get our economy moving forward again. It raises taxes by $420 million, and raids $200 million from the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund. It puts bureaucracy first by creating one of the largest state agencies in history by creating the Department of Children and Families.

While I applaud Speaker Huebsch for forcing the Democrats to back down from numerous ill-advised tax increases, including the $15.2 billion Healthy Wisconsin payroll tax, $418 million sick tax, $277 million gas tax, $142 million home tax, $35 million nursing home bed tax, even the $5.6 million tax on filing taxes, because of Governor Doyle's insistence on higher taxes and expanded bureaucracy, this budget is a still bad deal for taxpayers.

Wisconsin's tax burden is one of the highest in the nation. This budget does not move our state in the right direction."

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