Sunday, May 21, 2006

State Convention news

Tim Michels does not announce he's running for the US Senate. Tells off-color jokes instead. Owen has the audio of his speech.

Sean hands out the TAM Hospitality Suite Awards. Not only does Terri McCormick get repeatedly snubbed, she gets low marks for having Karaoke in her hospitality suite.

Kevin grades the hospitality suites. Not only does Terri McCormick get repeatedly snubbed, she gets low marks for having Karaoke in her hospitality suite.

Joey at Wide White gives the best and the worst of the convention. Terri McCormick gets snubbed, but Joey likes crackers right out of the box.

Both Bucher and Van Hollen go long on their speeches. According to Owen at Boots & Sabers, Bucher has improved on his delivery. Unsurprisingly, Van Hollen wins the straw poll. Wispolitics also covers both the JB VanHollen and Paul Bucher speeches.

If Bucher's candidacy for State Attorney General does no other good in this world, forcing Governor Doyle to remove Lenard Wells would certainly be a major accomplishment.

State Senate Majority Leader Dale Schultz spoke about reducing taxes. Lightning didn't strike but every blogger complained about the wi-fi access. Schultz and Tim Michels apparently have the same sense of not for prime-time humor.

Sean at The American Mind (and other bloggers) sat down for a chat with Congressman Mark Green. He also has audio.

Kevin at lakeshore Laments has the mainstream media round-ups here and here.

Judging from the reports, I'd say Congressman Mark Green succeeded in motivating the party. We'll see if he can carry that momentum through to November.

The Democrats' state convention is in LaCrosse June 9th and 10th. I understand state cars will get free parking at the convention site.