Thursday, May 18, 2006

My head is stuffed with snot

My wife just returned from Walgreens with cold medicine and Red Vine licorice. I'm unhappy to report that my wife discovered Walgreens now operates like the printer ink counter at a computer store. You grab the tag from the shelf and, oops, sorry Ma'am, we're all out of the good stuff.

Eventually she finds some medicine they have in stock and pulls out her identification. Walgreens now has a huge binder system where they take down all of your information and then they make you sign the ledger. Picture the worst description any liberal has come up with to describe the NSA telephone number databank - and then revert the technology to a time before IBM punch cards.

She comes home and tells me the horror story expecting sympathy when I tell her the good news. According to the state election board, you don't even need an id card to register to vote. However, they'll still ask you who you are (wink, wink) and write your name down before they hand you a ballot (or two or three, depending on which ward and city you're in).

And given what I hear about the computerization of the voting process, we may wish our election technology reverted back to before IBM punch cards.