Friday, May 19, 2006

Big weekend for Green for Governor

The Republican State Convention meets this weekend in Appleton, and for the first time Congressman Mark Green gets to speak as the nominee for the party for governor. I gave a little background and a sneak peak at the Green Team's theme for the convention in my weekly Waukesha Freeman column.

I will not be attending this weekend, but I will be following the convention closely in between popping cold tablets and chasing the kids. Other blogs will be there: Boots & Sabers, Lakeshore Laments, American Mind and Right off the Shore. will also be there, and they will have a blog, too. As soon as I get the link I'll note it here.

I expect little breaking news out of the state convention unless Tim Michels or Tommy Thompson announce they are taking on Senator Herb Kohl. If they have a straw poll for attorney general I would guess Van Hollen would win, but that would be completely meaningless at this point. We might see some dissension on taxes and gay marriage, but really the biggest controversy will be where delegates choose to eat lunch.

Update! Ask and ye shall receive. now has their link up, and you're two days behind on your reading. is conducting the undercover straw poll that nobody wants.

The big news so far: ice cream.