Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Upcoming attractions

I will be a guest tomorrow on WTMJ Radio 620 AM on Charlie Sykes' program for a "mini blog summit" in the 11:00 hour. Kevin from Lakeshore Laments will be there, and Jessica McBride. Not sure who else. I'll be up late tonight studying so I can sound smart. When you're listening tomorrow, I'll be the handsome one in the Dallas Cowboy jacket.

Tomorrow night I'll be speaking at the Rally to Shrink the County Board sponsored by the Waukesha Taxpayers League. The event starts at 6:30pm and is at the Waukesha State Bank in Oconomowoc. The confirmed speakers at the rally so far: Jessica McBride, State Senator Ted Kanavas and me. Directions to the Waukesha State Bank can be found at their website.

Petitions for the effort to shrink the Waukesha County Board are available online at the Waukesha Taxpayer League website.

On Saturday, I'll be at the Wispolitics/Wisopinion Blog Summit.
1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Country Springs Hotel, Waukesha, WI

I won't be speaking unless any or all of the sessions invite questions from the audience, or if I win Blogger of the Year award. I'm still working on my speech.

Finally, Saturday night I'll be appearing in a police lineup for indecent exposure.