Sunday, March 19, 2006

legal leftover

During the discussion yesterday regarding the legal environment in which bloggers play, one blogger (and I want to say it was Rick Esenberg) raised the question of a post libeling Senator Russ Feingold. As Chris at Spotted Horse noted, it was one of the funnier moments of the afternoon as every conservative blogger in the room tried to remember what we wrote the last several days.

The blog in question is I am the Force:
FYI to all the lefty Feingold groupies. I know Russ Feingold. I've worked with Russ Feingold. I've seen Russ Feingold going upstairs with pages at Dan Fields' parties. And Russ Feingold does not have a non-scheming idealistic bone in his body.
No word on Ragner Mentaire's legal insurance. I'd ask Ragnar to comment, but no e-mail addresss is available on his site.