Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday Night Announcement

The Shameless Promotion Division of the Wigderson Library & Pub has just signed a major deal with Conley Publishing. Exact terms will not be disclosed, but each week my column will appear in the Waukesha Freeman on Thursdays on the editorial page.

There is, of course, some remuneration. Okay big bucks. Okay, I "took the Boeing." That's right, as I'm writing this I'm enjoying a nice cold Coca-Cola rather than a Roundy's equivalent. In my refrigerator I've got a nice 12-pack of Harp lager ("The best Irish Beer brewed in Canada."). We even went crazy tonight and got a take-out pizza. Woo-hoo!

The column will focus on Waukesha and Wisconsin politics and events, written in my own characteristic style. I'm not sure if editor Bill Yorth knows what he's getting himself into, but I'm sure to keep the copy editors busy.

BTW, what's a "column-inch"?