Nope. Can't find it. As we would say in my old neighborhood, "they's in trouuuble...."
Good news: fans of the Van Hollen "I love my wife" bumper sticker have a chance to weigh in on the topic in the comments. The bumper sticker stands in stark contrast to those of his opponents:
Peg Lautenschlager "Don't drink and drive. You might spill your drink in a state car."Finally, to my fellow bloggers that get upset when a Republican attacks a fellow Republican (Jenna, GOP3, Owen), wait until you get a load of this blog post. Tsk tsk tsk. Now that's negative campaigning.
Kathleen Falk "Free Waupun"
Paul Bucher "I preferred Sammy Hagar solo"
Update! 2/25/06 10:29am Van Hollen disclaimer now on.
Update 2 2/26/06 12:50pm Sean at the American Mind comments on the JB for AG blog, and re-opens the Blogger vs. Wordpress debate. I weigh in with a lengthy opinion in the comments.