Thursday, February 09, 2006


Its been a rough week for blogging and Blogger. Blogger's down times often coincided with times of great blogging creativity. Soon it looked like the United Nations would have to be called in to handle the Blogger refugees fleeing to Wordpress, refugees like Steveegg at No Runny Eggs who offers helpful advice for makeing the cross-blog writer trek.

Elliot at From Where I Sit has bigger fish to fry. The big boys in the e-mail delivery service are trying to figure out how to get you to stick a stamp on your e-mail. I understand Steve Jobs now has glue all over his monitor.

I gotta get some of Brian Fraley's connections. The guy has a wiretap conversation of some interesting goings-on in Madison. Did Alberto send them to you, Brian?

Now you may think it's not fair, but Patrick at Badger Blogger has the audio of a Sykes conversation with Former Justice Department spokesman Mark Corallo on the legality and desirability of spying on terrorists. Fair is for checkers. This is war.

Speaking of The War on Terror, Carnival founder Nick Schweitzer takes a look at The World According to Nick, specifically the Muslim world this time, and whether Democracy can be brought to them in light of rioting over cartoons. Patience, he counsels, patience.

Fred at Real Debate Wisconsin offers his Deep Thought on the Cartoon Riots and Iran's response. Careful Fred. Next thing you know you'll be expecting logic from Voces de la Frontera.

Peter DiGaudio of Texas Hold'Em blog is sitting around the poker table talking about the future and has a ghost story to share. I dunno Peter, dreams, Hillary, Lincoln Bedroom, yeeck.

School is in session, and some schools do better than others. Right from the Right has a few complaints about some of the choice schools in Milwaukee.

Do you think we can get the Department of Public Instruction to start shutting down Milwaukee Public Schools that, instead of teaching math, go swimming instead? Brent, who likes to blog from Layton Park, is going to upset the kiddies when he drains their pool.

I know it's cold outside, but some of us are thinking of warmer climates. Grumps at the Happy Circumstance has got his suntan lotion and his beach towel and is waiting for his invitation from new House Majority Leader John Boehner to go to the Maryland shore to dream of new ways to ethically shake down lobbyists.

Taking a trip closer to home? Jenna at Right Off the Shore warns against the dining experience at UW-Platteville, and not just because of the food. I hope she didn't leave a tip.

Of course, to make the long drive back from Platteville, everyone strap yourselves into your booster seats! John at Holstein Grove is feeling a bit restrained by the nanny state and her new law. I agree. If the kid is all tied up, how can I tell him to fetch me a beer out of the cooler in the back of the truck?

Mike at The Spring City Chronicle suggests we might want to prepare for an even longer road trip if we want to see Brett Favre play again.

Now who's with me to go to Canton, OH to see Troy Aikman and Rayfield Wright get inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame?

Update! I forgot to mention, next week the Carnival of the Badger is being hosted by Texas Hold 'Em Blogger. If you are interested in hosting the Carnival of the Badger, please check out the informational page. (TTLB Ecosystem Link)