Saturday, December 17, 2005

Drinking the corn syrup

At right is the current list of state senators for Wisconsin with party affiliation and whether or not they are in favor of SB 15, the bill mandating 10% in regular grade gasoline. We'll revisit and update the list accordingly.

Senator Cathy Stepp is highlighted because she's on the list of state senators introducing the bill but supposedly her chief of staff told Peter DiGaudio she's opposed to the bill. As with any state legislator when they're talking, proceed with caution.

State senators, or anyone else, wishing to send a press release or other comments can do so at If you've contacted a state senator and they have given you an answer on whether they support SB 15, please let me know.

Remember, friends don't let state senators drive drunk on ethanol.

Updated 12/17 12:19pm to include Senator Lasee.
Updated 12/17 4:30pm to change Cathy Stepp's status.