Friday, October 28, 2005

Is anyone wearing a cup?

There's been a rash of injuries to the male genitalia lately in blog land. (For the rash: antibiotics, baby powder.)

Dennis York suffered such a blunt trauma to the land down under he returned to blogging.
Each pass Culpepper completes feels like a midget punching you in the groin (trust me, I know what that is like). Culpepper runs for 20 yards on a quarterback draw, the 34th time they have run that play this game. About this time, I start thinking about places in the house where I might be able to hang a noose. The only place I can really think of is the garage, as the beams are exposed out there. But then I remember that it is freezing out there and I might catch cold.
Apparently he now has plenty of time for his keyboard.

My friend StB reports his Sunday had that oh, so familiar feeling: "A constant kicking to the family jewels: That is how my Sunday afternoon felt. One kick after another."

And just when he thought it was safe,
Then my cat manages to get his own shots in. After playing poker, I layed down on the couch to catch some TV only to have his lard ass jump into my lap and squash my boys again! Can't I catch a break?
Well, ahem, you did in a way, didn't you?

Could be worse, could be in France, where studies have come to the conclusion adult male circumcision is a good preventative step in combatting AIDS.
Adrian Puren at the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in Johannesburg and a team of researchers in Paris recruited 3,274 uncircumcised volunteers from South Africa aged between 18 and 24, who were considering circumcision. Half underwent the operation.
(The other half apparently were able to gnaw off a limb and escape their restraints. - JW)
The researchers then monitored both groups for HIV infection over the next 21 months. So marked was the difference in infection between the groups that the study was halted on ethical grounds.
Oh sure, the doctors started feeling guilty after taking the knife to their victims.

Meawhile, John McAdams of Marquette finds a lefty with a penchant for hitting below the belt:
Al Franken, facing a self-described “right wing jerk” (doesn’t Franken believe that all conservatives are “right wing jerks”) kicks the man in the groin, breaks a stool over his back, and stands grinning as another liberal (from Wisconsin, supposedly) breaks a bottle over the man’s head.
Ann Althouse then wonders aloud if a man is emasculated by owning a minivan, and if a sports car is an attempt to make up for any short comings in the shorts.

If you'll excuse me, I think I'll be careful the next few days. I'm going with the stainless steel.