Charlie Sykes' page on WTMJ's website got a makeover as part of WTMJ's and the Journal Sentinel Online's overall makeover. I won't comment on the aesthetics, but it was very nice of him to include me in the "Sykes Blogosphere". The site is easier to use than before.
In announcing the new makeover today, he mentioned a couple of local bloggers and said that if he missed any local blogger that should be on the list, they should e-mail him. Oh no. Charlie's in for a full e-mail barrage for awhile.
As a public service, let me suggest to anyone who is about to e-mail Charlie not to use a Hotmail address or a Yahoo address or some other service prone to being blocked by spam blockers.
And I'm glad Charlie liked my take-off on Bill Christofferson quoting from the National Enquirer. Thanks for the link!