Thursday, September 22, 2005

Friends don't let Xoff blog drunk on gossip

Xoff needs to improve his reading material.
And now for something totally unreliable:
Katrina drives Bush back to the bottle

From National Enquirer online. I've always found them to be about as reliable as Drudge.(Remember the report on John Kerry's affair with an intern?) Enjoy, and remember, you read it here second.

Personally, I don't believe it. Jim Beam? Come on! Otherwise, it seems right on, don't you think?
You read it here first:
Desperation Drives Xoff to the Enquirer
Faced with the harsh reality of John Roberts becoming Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, Senator Russ Feingold voting for the Roberts nomination, the economy staying on track, unemployment going down, Jessica Bucher using her maiden name as a pen name, and the US making progress on the War on Terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, Xoff has gone on a National Enquirer binge.

Friends say it's because of the stress. Some say eight years of a Bush White House with a strong possibility of Governor Jim Doyle getting knocked down like a bottle of Jim Beam at the Governor's mansion is just too much for him to bear. And some say Xoff never did have a strong grip, given his quixotic crusade to defeat Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner.

James Wigderson, author of Xoff On The Couch: Inside The Mind Of John Norquist's Political Hack, casually diagnosed Xoff (with no clinical first hand observation): Xoff's compulsive obsessions with Jessica McBride, Jim Sensenbrenner and bad cartoon strips may result in such dangerous behavior as citing comedian Jon Stewart as an authority.