Wednesday, June 15, 2005

New Blog takes on Lutheran Lefty

Dennis York (unknown at this time if related to Dick York) takes on Reverend Sue Moline Larson, director of the Lutheran Office for Public Policy in Wisconsin, in an extensive post listing all the cares of the world she takes upon her shoulders (via John McAdams).

Apparently had she been around at the time of Martin Luther the Church would've needed much bigger doors, as she works on every cause from a Cesar Chavez state holiday to hybrid fuel cars for state use.
Reverend Larson is either totally ignorant of the fact that her ultra liberal crusade misrepresents tens of thousands of Lutherans in Wisconsin, or she is so arrogant that she doesn't care. Perhaps she doesn't realize that most Lutherans believe the church has more important issues to focus on than hybrid electric vehicles, product liability lawsuit reform or setting the public school curriculum. Yet she continues to advocate for her own personal left wing social engineering agenda while clothing herself in the banner of the Lutheran Church.
York asks her for help in finding the Biblical underpinnings of her activist work on the Lutheran payroll but I suspect no answer will be forthcoming.