Monday, June 06, 2005

"A lot" of votes for Warriors

John McAdams of Marquette Warrior has a source telling him over 35,000 people voted in the Marquette University nickname poll. No exact count of how many people wrote in the name "Warriors" just that its "a lot of them."

Update! 1:01pm: Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that Marquette ended the polling last night but still has not released the vote tally? You mean to to tell me they can't just download the results to a spreadsheet? I know the names are supposed to be submitted for a second vote starting tomorrow but you'd think they could tell the Marquette community today already.

Anyway, some interesting poll numbers at The Marquette Tribune where Hilltoppers is apparently the favorite and the College Republican/GOP3 poll where Hilltoppers and Golden Eagles are neck and neck (via GOP3: The Triumvirate).

Update! 2:44pm John McAdams has it from Brigid O’Brien, Associate Director of University Communication, Marquette will send out an e-mail tomorrow morning with the final names for voters to choose from. Voting is also supposed to start tomorrow morning.