Friday, June 17, 2005

letting Terri Schiavo go

I honestly hoped that when Terri Schiavo's autopsy results were released the issue would finally come to a rest. Yesterday I chided those commentators who were seemingly gleeful over the autopsy results.

Today I'm wondering what Terri's parents, their supporters and Florida Governor Jeb Bush have for pursuing this case further. Do they really think that all the answers will be found regarding the mysterious circumstances of Terri's collapse 15 years ago? Do they really think pursuing this case further they will find that Michael Schiavo is in some way responsible for the condition of his wife at the time of her court-ordered dehydrtation to death?

What is to be gained by furthering the enmity between Bob and Mary Schindler and Michael Schiavo? At some point the body, the crusade, and Terri Schiavo need to be laid to rest. Furthering the vendetta will only engender sympathy for Michael Schiavo and hurt the very cause of protecting the lives of those helpless to defend themselves. It's time to let go.