Monday, June 13, 2005

I found St. Anthony

As you may have heard briefly mentioned on Charlie Sykes, today is the feast day for St Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony is the saint for finding lost objects.

My wife, a life-long Catholic, first introduced me to St. Anthony shortly after we got married. I misplaced my wedding ring and she told me to say a prayer to St. Anthony. My experience with the Catholic Church is that I converted as an adult, and I still tend to be rather skeptical. "Okay, who is St. Anthony?" as I rolled my eyes. My wife was undeterred. "St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost objects. Pray to him and you'll find your ring. It really works."

I found my ring while vacuuming out my car. It was under the seat and miraculously did not get sucked up by the vacuum. "Remember to say thank you or he won't help you next time" my wife informed me.

Since then he has found: my car keys, my wife's car keys, books, pens, my wallet, my credit card and other objects. Okay, I'm trying to be skeptical, but when he found a $200 gift certificate yesterday after my wife and I both prayed for it's return, I was ready to make a pilgrimage to Rome.

I'm sure someone can explain the psychological and statistical factors for this phenomenon, but all I will say is, "Thank you Saint Anthony."