But here's my point: Why have comments enabled if you're uncomfortable with hearing different points of view, especially when you're expressing strong and/or outrageous opinions? I just don't get it. Now I can well understand having comments turned off, for a number of reasons. But why have comments enabled just to hear other people echoing your point of view, all the time? How boring is that? It would drive me to tears.I think I have deleted one (1) comment since I started this blog nearly a year ago (364 days to be exact) and that was for excessively foul language. Some comments I've let go, while I've responded to others (sometimes a bit too vociferously I'll admit).
Like blogging in a cocoon.
It's been my experience when commenting on other center-right blogs my comments are usually treated respectfully or ignored. Most of the time I see other commentators are treated the same way. (Most of the time. Lucianne.com is great for finding interesting stories but the comments are rarely worth reading.)
I don't see that type of dialogue on blogs on the Left, and on those rare occasions someone ventures out with an opinion short of Bush = Hitler the rest of the "community" acts like a group of rage-addled adolescents with an extra dose of hormones. Reading a day's worth of posts at the Democrat Underground and Senator Dick Durbin looks like Bill Buckley.
I think until the Left lets go of their unfathomable rage, left-wing blogs will continue to be relatively empty of content even as they outnumber the blogs on the Right.