I have to include one movie quote that I can't believe was left off AFI's list. It's from the original "The Manchurian Canidate," a movie which we, as conservatives, should love. At least I do. The line is "Raymond, why don't you pass the time by playing a game of solitaire?" Now, the problem is that about five different people say this in the movie, but when one person says it it's my favorite film plot twist/reveal/surprise of all time. So if you say the name of the character or actor w/ the line, you're kind of giving away the surprise.That isn't the line. The line most often quoted is, "Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life." Coincidentally, we heard something similar last year describing a certain political candidate...
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Doh! I forgot to include the most quotable movie of all time
Kathryn Lopez of National Review is reminded of the Manchurian Candidate by a correspondent: