Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Here's a quiz for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel editors

What is missing from this editorial on adding bowling as a varsity sport?
a) how much it will cost the Germantown school district?
b) how much it will cost taxpayers statewide if the WIAA adds the sport?
c) common sense
d) all of the above

Instead we're given,
There are plenty of boys and girls, young men and women, who are terrific athletes but who, nevertheless, are not big enough, strong enough or fast enough to play varsity football, basketball, baseball and other marquee sports, especially at big high schools. Bowling gives these kids a chance to compete against other young athletes on a varsity level and, if they are good enough, to win varsity letters and gain the recognition and self-confidence that go along with athletic success.
Look, the kid isn't athletic enough and skilled enough to compete at a high school varsity level. Instead of adding more sports to be more inclusive and loving to the slower, shorter, weaker, couldn't we just give them a great big hug instead and send them back to class? It would be cheaper.

Next they'll want to add shuffleboard and badminton.