Monday, May 23, 2005

Channel 12 news, PC attack machine

Last night on the Channel 12 news at 10:00pm, they ran a segment attacking a new commercial by the Coalition for America’s Families. Unfortunately WISN TV has made the segment available on their website so people can see just how bad of politically correct attack piece it was.

The ad correctly points out that in the Governor's budget with a $1.8 billion dollar deficit, Governor Doyle is proposing to allow illegal aliens to receive subsidized college tuition at the "in-state" tuition level.

WISN TV found one activist that they could show the ad and get the desired effect: she labeled the ad "racist." WISN TV knows there is nothing racist about the ad. They know that calling someone "an undocumented worker" isn't going to change the fact that the person is here illegally and should be sent home.

WISN TV owes the Coalition for America's Families an apology.