Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Do Bears sleep under trailers?

The bear that tied up traffic this morning on I45 did not come from the Milwaukee Public Zoo. Nobody knows where the bear came from, except it may have sighted earlier in Cedarburg. Previously the bear may have been in Manitowoc County.

I want to go partying with this bear. Two tranquilizer darts and it still climbed a tree. A real party animal. What does he drink? Cranbearry and vodka? Fuzzy navels?

Still no video yet on the 'net that I can find. Also no word if it was a feral bear or if it wore a collar.

Maybe it was looking for Red Lobster.

update!: Patrick at My View of the World has a pair of images from the bear hunt.

Update!: The Journal Sentinel is asking their readers to name the bear. Looking at the list, they need some help. And there's video now.