Monday, March 14, 2005

Look for the ungrateful union label

One of my spouse's particular pet peeves in life is the union member who is as right wing as I am until he/she gets into the voting booth. If the union tells him/her to vote for the Socialist, that's who they vote for, despite the NRA sticker in the car window, the hunting and fishing license, the home too heavily property taxed, etc.

So when confronted by one of these union zombies, ask them how they feel about US Marines. And then ask them if they support the UAW throwing US Marine cars out of the UAW parking lot in Detroit because some of them happen to be "foreign" or have Bush stickers on them.

Quite often, when the Left and their allies in this country protest, "We support the troops" the evidence is to the contrary. Confront them on it. A little embarassment might make them think.