Thursday, February 17, 2005
She's a pill, alright
So, do we really need another America-bashing celebrity? Alanis Morrisette has become an American, of sorts. She feels more linked with this country now, though she considers herself a "Canadian-American." One could argue that it's a redundancy, or perhaps we should make it redundant (especially the hard way). However, she wasn't always so happy here as Matt Drudge reminds us. We were an evil, censorous place as she so "bravely" demonstrated last year. (By the way, how brave or shocking is it to only pretend to be on stage nude.) Do we really need another "celebrity" to venture overseas and bash her now-adopted country? Or, if Canada insists on sending intellectually vacuous members of what passes for their cultural elite, could we send them the Dixie Chicks in trade?