"One of the reasons he [Kenneth Starr] got away with it is because people like you only ask me the questions. You gave him a complete free ride. Any abuse they wanted to do. They indicted all these little people from Arkansas, what did you care about them, they're not famous, who cares that their life was trampled. Who cares that their children are humiliated. Nobody in your line of work cared a rip about that at the time. Why, because he was helping their story. And that's why people like you always help the far-right, because you like to hurt people, and you like to talk about how bad people are and all their personal failings" -- Bill Clinton losing his cool in a BBC interview to be broadcast Tuesday night (available on the Web at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/default.stm).
(From Opinionjournal.com Polical diary)
The Little People? So casually tossed aside when unneeded, cannon fodder when the personal situation requires it, and I ask who is really small.