Friday, January 06, 2006

I hear the Green Bay Packers are hiring

Dennis Shook, FIRED! Spivak and Bice are on the trail to find why, why, FOR ALL THAT'S HOLY IN JOURNALISM - WHY? And feeding the appetite was Shook's response that it's because he's in "the middle of the road" politically.

Yes, yes, YES! He's TOOOOOO OBJECTIVE for the Freeman! They're right wing! They even have two conservative columnists! YES! (At this point Spivak and Bice each light up a cigarette.) And one of the conservatives, "...pushes the views of Republicans, including her hubby, Waukesha County DA Paul Bucher, who is running for attorney general." (No word if Spivak and Bice talk to their wives about what they should write in their columns or if they are capable of thinking for themselves.)

They'll get to the bottom of it, because WE NEED TO KNOW. And this "terse" explanation won't cut it - not in this post-Jenifer Finley firing frenzy. It must be political! We like -NEED- that explanation!

And soon we'll see some bloggers decrying the lack of leadership on the Waukesha Freeman's part (can you recall a newspaper?). Then we'll see some asking Jessica McBride what did she know and when did she know it. (Suggested McBride response: do I look like the f!@#$%& human resources department for everything in Waukesha County?)

Laurel Walker will write two equally snide columns with no reporting and a little dash of rumor to justify a headline. She'll imply Shook couldn't type or something and the mistake the Freeman made was hiring Shook in the first place.

Reporters will ask Waukesha County Executive Dan Vrakas what he thinks. Maybe Dan Finley will have a comment. We'll talk about it on talk radio (maybe Eric Von will have me back).

I'm looking for the just-before-the-holiday letter from Shook slamming his bosses for not suggesting other cuts in the newspaper's budget to make it cheaper to subscribe. St. Valentine's Day is good. Red, the whole massacre thing, lotsa good ways to write the headlines, editorial cartoon of a Dennis Shook Cupid stabbing his publisher in the back, all good stuff.

Then I'll write something clever and the "Spice Boys" can link to me again.