Sunday, June 14, 2009

Open the school house doors

Milwaukee State Representative Fred Kessler's attack on school choice has not gone unnoticed. Ricky on State of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel opines:
Milwaukee State Representative Fred Kessler's Kessler would take it back to 19,500, down from the 22,500 negotiated three years ago by choice advocates and the governor. The problem: Choice schools have acted as if the governor's commitment meant something. As of November 2008, choice students numbered 20,244. And a couple of schools, again counting on that raised cap, have expansion plans that have already involved enrolling students. So, it's plain, that some students will have to be kicked out and others denied their choices. This is simply unfair.

To be fair, this is a matter of Assembly Democrats messing with the governor's commitment. But, if this amendment survives floor debate today or if the state Senate doesn't excise it in deliberations next week, the governor should stand by his commitment and veto the measure.

Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker isn't happy either:

Fred Kessler and anyone in the State Assembly who votes for his motion to cut 3,000 students out of the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program should be ashamed of themselves. This is an all out assault on kids and their families. It is pathetic when someone uses these young people purely as political pawns.

Maybe now people will see that white liberals like Rep. Kessler care more about flexing their political power than about the kids in these schools.

Will the legislature and the governor live up to the commitment made to school choice parents in 2006? Or will they tell (mostly minority) families that the path to a quality education is barred to them?

Will Democrats, once again, stand in the school house doors?