Monday, August 11, 2008

Waukesha Taxpayers League opposed to stadium

From their website:
The Waukesha Taxpayers League announced today they are opposed to the building of the proposed stadium at Frame Park for the Northwoods Baseball League.

“There has not been adequate planning for the increased traffic and parking issues. Worse, the only way this operation will work is if they expand as is the intent for the near future,” said WTL President Christine Lufter. “Any solution to the these problems will inevitably cost taxpayers too much down the road.”

The WTL expressed concerns about the use of the park given the city’s zoning ordinances. Lufter said, “Turning invaluable publicly-owned park land into commercial use property without regard to the intent of the city’s zoning laws should give everyone pause. It’s an invitation to chaos and questionable precident.”

Lufter also expressed the organization’s concern over the city’s use of the park that is incompatible with the intentions of the Frames’ gift to the city. “If this is the way the city is willing to treat such a bequest, who will ever be willing to make such a gift to the city again?”

Lufter believes that the investment of the community to date must be preserved. “This community has invested to a large extent in the development of this park and river walk. The investment must be protected and in keeping with the original design. The commercialization of this park violates the public’s trust.”

Lufter said the WTL is not opposed to the Northwoods Baseball League coming to Waukesha. “But at a time of competing city budget priorities, to put over $200,000 in capital improvements into a commercial baseball park that is not even supposed to be there is silly.”

The Waukesha Taxpayer League also announced today “A Stroll for Preservation” which will take place in Frame Park Thurdsay evening at 7:00 PM. The general public is invited to come to Frame Park and show their desire to keep the park free from becoming a commercial development and preserve it for future generations.
(emphasis added)