Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Why I like Sound Off

From the Waukesha Freeman Sound Off section today:
Political commercial; military service

Although I have changed channels every time I see that lady holding a baby and telling John McCain, “You can’t have him,” it angers me until I just have to sound off !

I recently lost my dear husband, who was a World War II veteran and served in the South Pacific for two years. Thank God there were hundreds of thousands of wonderful mothers and wives back in 1942 who did not say, “You can’t have him.” They didn’t want to give up their dear ones then, either, and they grieved and prayed.

Our children are not ours – they are given to us for awhile – to raise, love and teach – and then to let go, hoping we did a good job, and that the world is better off because of our efforts.

And the world is better off because of those women back in 1942. Were it not for them, you could not be running a commercial like that in English. McCain had a mother, too, and he was a prisoner of war for many years. How do you think she felt?

May God bless all those brave people in this present conflict, and give them the courage and faith they and their loved ones need until we get through this.
Well worth the 50 cents.

(Ht: Spring City Chronicle for the link)