Monday, April 21, 2008

Don't tell anyone, part II

Don't tell anyone, but State Rep. Sheldon Wasserman is really a Democrat. No, really. But it's our little secret. He doesn't want anyone to know. Even his campaign literature doesn't say what party he belongs to. It claims he's a conservative (which he's not). But don't tell anyone he's a Democrat. You may think this might matter to some people in the state senate race against Alberta Darling. Maybe that's why Wasserman doesn't want you to know.

So don't tell anyone, and don't tell anyone you heard it from me.

By the way, do you think Wasserman's prominent mention of the Wisconsin Breast Cancer Coalition is a lame attempt to try to deflect the criticism he received when people working on Wasserman's behalf attempted to use Alberta Darling's recovery from breast cancer as an issue?