Saturday, January 12, 2008

Careful opening the freezer door

Owen Robinson has some helpful hints for preparing snake for dinner.
* Some people prefer to soak the ready-to-cook snake pieces in saltwater for a day or two to remove any remaining blood or “gaminess” from the meat.

* Snakes can safely be frozen; the meat is not damaged and the coloration of the skin is not affected.

* When cutting the snake into segments, make the cuts between and at the same angle as the ribs to avoid cutting the ribs. If the ribs are severed, they may be difficult to remove from the meat after it is cooked.

* Snake is somewhere between chicken and fish in texture and flavor, and may be made to seem like either.

* If the snake was bitten by itself or by another venomous snake, cooking will usually remove all venom.[3] If you see any bite marks, however, proceed with caution.
Now my brother-in-law Mike "One Shot" Gillispie is something of an expert when it comes to snakes. Mike is a born-and-bred rural Arizonan snake hunter who skins snakes to make interesting decorations and the like. Mike likes to capture rattlesnakes live and then throw them in a bag in the freezer to kill them off. He says that's the best way to preserve the skin for mounting. My nephews are now in the family business.

While I'll try almost anything once, I have the same attitude as Indiana Jones, and I'll let my sister open her own freezer for the ice cream.